5th Element Fitness

Each time you walk through our door we want you to walk out a little better, to be constantly improving, to be better than your best.

5th Element is all about providing an environment to be your very best. We provide a great atmosphere, excellent equipment and the knowledge and motivation from our coaches to reach your potential. You just have to arrive with a positive attitude and give your best effort.

Our focus is on high intensity interval training. We use a variety of methods including boxing, running, swimming, x-fit, body weight exercises, kettlebells and much more. Working hard and to maximum effort to elevate your heart rate with small recoveries. This method is proven to quickly and effectively increase your fitness, reduce your body fat percentage and increase your lean body mass.

Our services include personal training, duet training, small group training, boxing classes, HIIT classes (high intensity interval training), brick classes (combination of swimming, riding and running) plus much more.

A boxing for fitness class in a curcuit format combining functional exercises with boxing bags, speed balls and pad work in the boxing ring. To keep up the intensity, participants work in pairs and trainers provide bonus rounds to keep it interesting. This class will increase strength endurance and improve fitness.

Repeat interval training using a combination of running (track, sand, road), swimming and riding. These classes will help any athlete increase performance, particularly in multi-sport events. It provides a great alternative to the athlete looking to change things up over summer.

High Intensity Interval Training sessions are alternating periods of short, intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods. These short, intense workouts provide improved athletic capacity and condition, improved glucose metabolism, and improved fat burning.

530am HIIT
5pm Boxing
6pm Boxing

6am Boxing
1230pm Brick

530am HIIT
5pm Boxing
6pm Boxing

6am Boxing
1230pm Brick

5pm Boxing

7am HIIT
8am Boxing

Personal Training times by appointment

So what is the 5th Element?
We wanted a way to describe in a word or an emblem what it means to be constantly improving and striving for your own personal best or as we say, to 'be better than your best'. To find the quintessence in each and everyone of us.

Then it hit us... Quintessence!!! But we couldn't use that word. I mean most people can't pronounce quintessence! So we did some research and this is what we found........

Defined in the dictionary as:
1. the pure and concentrated essence of a substance.
2. the most perfect embodiment of something.
In latin the word is quinta essentia meaning fifth essence or fifth element.

So that's how we came to 5th Element. We aim to be perfect... or at least we try for 45 minutes each day :)
